Microsoft 365 Backups

Protect your Microsoft 365 data with reliable Australian-based cloud backups

Microsoft DOES NOT guarantee the safety of your data!

What do outages, disruptions, malware and human error have in common? They can all result in the loss of your important data. Downtime due to lost or corrupt data can cost your business thousands of dollars, and the unfortunate reality is that data loss is a lot more common than you’d think. In fact, according to Veeam, 81% of IT professionals have experienced data loss in Office 365. 

This means that while Microsoft’s native retention and basic recovery capabilities do provide some form of protection against data loss, it's certainly not enough. The safety and protection of your data is your sole responsibility, thus Microsoft recommends you use a third-party backup solution that is reliable and provides peace of mind

What causes data loss in Microsoft 365?

Malware & Ransomware

Human Error

Disruptions & Outages

Malicious Insiders

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Comprehensive Office 365 Backups

You can't find a safer and more reliable cloud backup solution than our Australian-based Tier 4 Data Centre. Experience the ultimate peace of mind that your data within Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive and Exchange, is fully backed up and 100% recoverable. With no licensing fees, you only need to pay for the storage you absolutely need.

✔ Tier 4 Australian Data Centre
✔ Full redundancy
✔ 100% uptime
✔ Only pay for the storage you need

Reliable Backups Your Way

Continuous, scheduled, automatic, or on-demand; our Office 365 backups are designed and tailored to suit the needs of your business. Plus, our cloud backups solution offers point-in-time recovery that can restore your data completely or with granular detail.

✔ Continuous backups
✔ Automated or scheduled backups
✔ Point-in-time disaster recovery
✔ On-demand backups

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eStorm's Microsoft 365 Backups


Our backups are 100% Australian-based, giving you added reliability, 100% uptime, full redundancy, and next-gen digital and physical security measures.

No licensing fees

Take advantage of zero licensing fees - our flexible and scalable backup solution means you only need to pay for the storage you need, with no hidden fees.

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Tier 4 Data Centre

Experience the security, redundancy, and reliability of an onshore premium Tier 4 data centre without the costs of purchasing server and networking hardware!

Why should you backup Microsoft 365 Data?

It is not out of the realm of possibility for Microsoft to experience outages and service disruptions. In fact, in September 2020 Microsoft users suffered a massive outage that impacted Teams, Office 365 and Outlook. Users that didn’t have their files backup in Office 365 were left stranded, and Microsoft has made it very clear in their service agreement that they are not liable for the costs associated with downtime experienced during their outages or service disruptions.

In short, if Microsoft is experiencing issues on their side, you won’t be able to continue working or reach your data unless you have a backup. Below is a screenshot of their services agreement which includes a statement in which Microsoft recommends businesses regularly backup data using third-party apps and services.

It is standard practice to delete an Office 365 account when an employee leaves so you can save money on unnecessary licenses. However, the deletion of an account in Office 365 results in a complete wipe of that user’s data and content across your network.

Account deletion can also occur as a result from:

  • An accidental deletion
  • A license agreement ending
  • An intentional malicious deletion

No matter the cause, the data associated with the deleted account will be erased forever, unless you have a third-party backup of the data. Microsoft also addresses this in their services agreement.

Data backup best practices suggest you employ the 3-2-1 rule. According to this rule, you should keep 3 copies of your data, with two backups on different media (such as your computer and an external device) and one offsite – such as in the cloud.

However, if your business is the victim of a malware/ransomware attack, the copy of your data in the Microsoft cloud is vulnerable to the same threats as the data on your corrupted network. Microsoft does not offer point-in-time recovery, meaning if you are the victim of malware you may not be able to go back to a point in time where your data, mailbox, or files were uncorrupted.   

This is why you should use an additional Office 365 backup solution to ensure the safety of your data in the event of a cyber attack. A third-party cloud provider offers a broader scope of retention, making it possible to retrieve files from a point in time where they were not corrupted.

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  • Reduced business downtime saving you $1000's

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