What is Digital Learning
In today’s classrooms digital learning is a tool being used more and more by teachers to enhance the learning of their students. Digital Learning can be described as learning facilitated by technology that gives students some element of control over time, place, path and/or pace.
Working in the IT industry and working with educational institutions, we are seeing very positive results in schools that have implemented a digital learning strategy to their classrooms. We want to share these benefits with our readers to help you decide whether digital learning is right for your learning facility.
Learning is no longer restricted to the school day or the school year. The internet and a growing number of internet access devices have given students the ability to learn anytime.
Learning is no longer restricted within the walls of a classroom. The internet and technology devices have given students the ability to continue their learning anywhere; whether that be at home, with a tutor, or on a family vacation.
Learning is no longer restricted to the methods used by the teacher. Interactive and adaptive software allows students to learn in their own style, making learning personal and engaging. New learning technologies provide realtime data that gives teachers the information they need to adjust instruction to meet the unique needs of each student.
Learning is no longer restricted to the pace of an entire classroom of students. Interactive and adaptive software allows students to learn at their own pace, spending more or less time on lessons or subjects to achieve the same level of learning.
We are continually seeing how digital learning is enhancing the classroom experience. Our most successful school, Redlands College, have been awarded for their commitment to enhancing their classrooms with technology devices.
For more information on how you can implement digital learning in your school, contact the eStorm office today.