eStorm Corporate
Social Responsibility Policy
This policy is a summary of more detailed policies on these and other areas which are referenced in eStorm Australia’ Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct provides an ethical and legal framework for all employees in the conduct of eStorm Australia business. It is about how we relate to our customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers and the community. eStorm Australia is committed to reporting and communicating openly on its response to CSR issues. This policy will be reviewed from time to time and updated as necessary to reflect developments in our businesses and best practice.

Social Responsibility Policy
The enterprising spirit of our employees is one of our great assets. Employees should be treated justly and fairly and rewarded for their achievements. Our employment policies commit us to:
- Providing a safe working environment through best practice in health and safety management in all our businesses.
- Being an equal opportunities employer, committed to developing a diverse workforce where everyone is treated fairly irrespective of race, sex, colour, nationality or national origin, class, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or gender identification, political opinion, or any other status protected by applicable law.
- Creating an environment where everyone is encouraged to give their best and realise their full potential, through the provision of learning and development opportunities.
- Ensuring that employees can discuss any problem connected with their work confident that they will receive a fair, impartial and confidential review of the issue. We respect the individual’s right to freedom of association. We relate to our employees through both collective and individual agreements, according to local law, custom and practice.
Business Integrity
All eStorm Australia’s employees are expected to conduct business so as to enhance the Group’s reputation. The overriding principles which should govern our behaviour and business dealings are:
- All business should be conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which the business is located.
- We compete fairly in the markets in which we operate.
- Corrupt practices are unacceptable. No bribes, kickbacks, or similar payments will be made to, or accepted from, any party.
- Employees must not engage in activities that involve, or could appear to involve, a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of eStorm Australia.
- Employees who come forward in accordance with genuine suspicions of wrongdoing anywhere in the organisation will be taken seriously and will not be victimised. Their concerns will be properly investigated and any necessary action taken.
We value the natural environment and are firmly committed to sound environmental practice in our operations. Our businesses are required to comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations and to adopt the following principles:
- Commit and contribute towards sound environmental practices in our daily operations.
- Improve the efficiency of our use of raw materials and energy.
- Minimise emissions and waste.
- Respond to community concerns with integrity, honesty and respect.
- We aim to make a positive contribution to the communities in which we operate and to be a responsible neighbour.
- Our businesses will determine their community investment priorities to suit the needs of their local communities.
- Our Community Reach programme encourages our employees to be active in the community, allows reasonable requests for volunteering time and provides financial support for community projects.
Human Rights
We support and uphold the principles contained in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In particular we will not tolerate child labour or any form of forced labour, including prison labour, indentured labour, bonded labour, military labour, slave labour, and any form of human trafficking, in our own operations or those of our suppliers.
We are committed to being a responsible and valuable partner in the supply chain, continuing to build a sustainable business that serves its customers, employees and shareholders and the communities in which they live. A strong and dynamic supplier base is essential to our long- term success. We rely on the expertise and skill of suppliers to meet customers’ changing needs, and we only work with suppliers that comply with all applicable laws, including all applicable labour, employment, human rights, wage and hour, environmental, and health and safety laws.